Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ready for Installation

This is the most darling giraffe ever! I watched Martha do a little demo on how to make these a few months ago and couldn't resist whipping one up for the boys room. There is a big love of tractors around here, but I just couldn't help adding a bit of a "farm" theme to that. I like to keep my options open, so I can add a little something that doesn't have to do with John Deere. You can get instructions and the template here. I used an inexpensive 10 x 10 inch canvas that I picked up at an art store for under $4 and then chose a bunch of fun scrapbooking papers that coordinated with the bedroom colors. I just cut out all of the pieces, used a bunch of mod podge to stick it on there and finished it off with a sealing coat of more mod podge. The instructions call for Xyron to make it adhesive, but my method was fast and easy and the result is darling. There is a monkey pattern too, hoping to get around to that one!

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