Thursday, August 6, 2009

Perfect Package Topper

Last winter Amy Butler posted this free pattern on her website. I've probably cut it out more than a dozen times for something pretty to hang off a gift. I lookes beautiful on a package and it really dresses it up. You can follow Amy's instructions for an especially beautiful iris or go with my quick and easy version. I just cut the three pieces out, using a different scrapbooking paper for each, and then punch a 1/8 inch hole in the center of each flower. Fold the four petals of each flower towards the center. Then cut a length of ribbon and tie a knot very close to one end. That is what I use to hold the flowers together and then I string them starting with the small flower face-up toward the knot. Once the three are on the ribbon, tie another knot behind the flowers and use the extra ribbon to attach to your package.

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